Monday 25 February 2008

Another glorious weekend - well Sunday was, anyway. So nice even, that we took our flasks of tea with us. During the week I had remembered an old sieve we had bought years ago for the compost, and after a search of the garden it was unearthed. Unfortunately, it would have weathered the years better if it had been kept indoors, but nevertheless we pressed it into service to create a 'fine tilth' for our new seedbed. The Tame Photographer undertook this task and has now developed a new obsession - stones, or rather the complete removal of them from our plot. This task will undoubtedly keep him away from less savoury pastimes as there are plenty of stones needing removal.I then sowed some corn salad seeds in the new seedbed - just a few for the time being as I think it may be too cold for them just yet, but the weather was so lovely I couldn't resist it. I also sowed some broad beans - two types - Witkiem Manita in a single row and Masterpiece Longpod in a staggered double row. I also have some broad beans growing indoors which I can transplant in a week or two.
They don't look very exciting at the moment - but the picture does record the event.

This took most of our time - during which we had a visit from John from several plots down. He was a friend of the previous owner of our plot and he came to introduce himself and see how we were doing. He told us that the strawberries we had inherited were the best on the whole site and how to freeze runner beans - all useful information indeed. I think however, in my usual conspiracy theory mode, that he was checking out the competition for the next allotment show. I suspect Ted was a winner in many categories and that his retirement has given hope to many other aspiring showmen and they are all keen to check that we will not thwart their progress.

On looking back at previous posts - I am slightly embarrassed to notice that I have only one set of clothes! However, they are comfortable and serviceable, if not exactly the height of fashion.

And finally as I wasn't working today, I popped along to check the seeds were okay, and to take along a watering can with a fine rose. I watered the seeds, which I didn't do yesterday, met two new chums (also new allotmenteers) and found a cyclamen someone had thrown away. It was still in fine condition in full bloom - a beautiful red colour so I planted it near the rhubarb.

Newsflash: The parsley seeds have germinated! They look pretty feeble, but I'm hoping for the best.

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