Thursday 21 August 2008

Still enjoying the holidays

The holidays continue, and finally, we have had a day of glorious sunshine. I took myself off the allotment for a spot of quiet contemplation and some gardening - both of which I did.

The above is a view of the sweetcorn cage we built a couple of weeks ago in order to protect our crop. The news is that the animals attacking the sweetcorn are badgers. They come down from the common specifically to eat the sweetcorn in the allotments, it being their favourite food. This is not brilliant news as they are so strong I suspect no amount of protection will save the crop. Some suggestions have been to hang something that makes a noise or leave a radio on all night or to put some creosote coated cloths around the area as they don't like the smell. Accordingly, today I hung an old wind chime in the sweetcorn enclosure and made a noise device using two terracotta flower pots. I will post a picture soon showing this (assuming the badgers don't break in tonight and demolish the lot).

I planted out some sprouting broccoli (I dont know if its green or purple - its called rudolf which sort of indicates red to me - but we'll see) and did some weeding. I picked raspberries, runner beans, corn salad, french beans and courgettes today. The raspberries are doing really well - inspite of constant attack by bindweed. I have made 4 jars of jam with them, as well as eating them most days.

We have some albino raspberries in amongst the normal red ones. I don't know if this is a genuine white raspberry cane, or a throw back. I doesn't really matter as they are quite delicious.

The brussels sprouts and cabbages are looking good and we have been enjoying our maincrop potatoes. And , at last, there are two baby butternut squashes!

On a related note, the weather, though not a perfect summer, has lent itself brilliantly to soft fruit and all the local bramble bushes are heavy with fruit. I, and the rest of the family, have picked and picked and I have made blackberry jam, blackberry jelly and blackberry and apple jam, as well as endless blackberry influenced puddings and frozen some for the winter. WOW!It was about this time last year that we went looking for allotments, and as I look back, I can't help but be pleased we got ourselves into gear and started vegetable gardening.
Finally, just look at our beautiful sunflowers - Moulin Rouge from Unwins Seeds, if you are interested.

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